As a parent, i have always heard about Autism and it is generally common among kids and can also affect adults. About 1 out of 150 children is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) by the age of 5 years old or even younger.
Autism is a brain development disorder that is characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and restricted and repetitive behavior. Parents with autistic child/children usually don't know what to expect and are more times overwhelmed with lack of information and lack of support from families and friends. The
Autism Support Network is a group of individuals from parents, grandparents, doctors and many more who converge in this one network to help and lend more understanding,support and knowledge about Autism. Who else can help and know you better and what your family is going through than people who have dedicated their lives to help find more ways on how children can overcome and be more productive individuals? Parents don't have to feel hopeless, afraid and uncertain, one can certainly find a lot of
help for Autism, you just have to know where to look and a helping hand will certainly be extended out to your family.