I am not an Internet or computer savvy person that my husband likes to think, lol. Sure I know my way around the Web but that's about it. When it comes to computer, I am totally lost. Just a last week I was in a tizzy trying to connect my laptop to our wireless printer. Why? I needed another computer to print out more coupons. It took me a couple of days of tinkering and searching online, even asked dear hubby to help me out but, no luck. No matter what I did I could not get the get to connect my laptop to my printer. One research said that if connecting it wirelessly won't work then I may need to have a
computer network cable. After reading that I had asked myself what have a gotten myself into. Searched high and low in our house hoping that dear husband might have a computer network cable stashed somewhere. No suck luck. Then I read that I need to have the disc for the printer in order to have the software in my computer. Did a quick search of all our computer disk and I found it. After downloading the software, my printer was up and running in no time.