Are you living a healthy life? Personally, i don't think our family lives a healthy lifestyle, we don't watch what we eat and i think i don't give enough of the right kind of foods to my kids. With Ralph's work he has a very bad eating habit which leads him to get frequent heart burns plus he also smokes. As for me, i don't eat as much vegetable and i love eating sweet and salty foods, in short we have a very poor eating habit. Its not just about the eating habit for me, its also about how i spend the rest of my day. Exercise is one of the major things that Ralph and I have no time and we don't even want to think about it. Its hard keeping up with a good exercise routine and having healthy eating habits when you don't know what its all about or even where to start. Skinny and the City offers free newsletter for questions about healthy eating, how to stay fit, healthy recipes and much more. They will even answer whatever questions you may have for free. The newsletter is about sharing with you ideas on how to live a healthy lifestyle without sacrificing on activities that you love doing. With this newsletter it will keep me updated and inform me of how to keep healthy and beauty while doing my own thing. This is a good source of information for me since i don't go out and the advice I'm getting are from women from different walks of life,a mom, a career woman, even a single woman. Sign up for the news letter today and start changing your lifestyle for the better, I am.
Ideas for Outdoor Fun
6 years ago