Lately, I have been watching more and more t.v. and less and less time spending online. Caught up on a lot of new shows and found new favorite shows to watch. I'm very much surprise at how many advertisement are for loosing weight and wonder which one is really the
best selling diet pill out in the market. There is just so many to choose from and all promising good results. I for one would try something that someone I know has used and have seen results. For a long time now I have been seriously thinking about trying diet pills but my desire to have another baby is stopping me. I don't want any other chemicals in my body while I am trying to conceive. However at the back of my mind, I wonder If my recent weight gain has something to do with my not being able to conceive. Be as it may, Ralph and I will just have to wait until after my OB appointment this December to find out If my weight gain is one of the many culprit. It that is the case I will gladly go on a diet and take a few pills to help speed up the process.