Guess who just turned 1 year old last Jun 6, 2010? Our dog Sunny, a Labrador Retriever. We got him from my BIL Angelo when he was just a tiny puppy. And now he is so big but very gentle. I am not usually a dog lover but Sunny just barked his way into my heart with his gentleness and his goofiness. He is more like Kaitlyn's dog than aything, they play all day and he takes all the abuse from her. Sunny is a very protective dog, he will immediately come between Kaitlyn and us if he thinks that she is in danger. He is still a puppy and he has a playful side of jumping on the kids when he gets so riled up. With him being a big dog the kids get hurt but not that bad, they just get knocked down by him or get a few scratches from his nails.
Just look at my babies with their protector Sunny. I just had to go out last Sunday to get him a cake. After all he is a part of the family and he deserves it! Happy Happy Birthday baby boy!
Ideas for Outdoor Fun
6 years ago