Before this year ended we finally finished our mini-kitchen renovation. We started our kitchen makeover last October.It was a stressful month for since it was Kaitlyn and Ralph birthday and I had planned a party. I had no idea that our kitchen counter won't be in until the the end of October. The party went off without a hitch even though we had no kitchen counter and most importantly sink. Our kitchen was finally finished before Thanksgiving. We bought a new dishwasher, stove, new flooring, backsplash and a new fresh coat of paint. We also had a little bit of difficulty choosing the back splash for our kitchen to match the new counter. One of our other option was
stainless steel backsplash or tiles. It the end the tiles won hands down, we did use a little bit of stainless steel backsplash on a part behind our kitchen stove. I didn't really want to at first coz I thought I looked tacky and cheap but it actually looks very clean and chic. At least we are done with everything.