With everyone gearing up for school its safe to say that you can find amazing
deals on laptops,desktop computers, school supplies and of course back to school clothes. We are still on the lucky end that we won't need a new laptop since our oldest is only in the third grade. However, I have been looking into buying a new laptop or netbook for my sister in the Philippines. They have a desktop computer and a very old laptop but my mom is currently travelling from two different cities to take care of her mother. She needs something to use so we can keep in touch. Hopefully I can save enough to get them a new laptop. As for other school supplies we can forgo it this year. I found a whole bunch of pencils, erasers, marker, notebook, and crayons to last us about 5 years. If my husband buys another pack of pencil, I am going to stab him with it, lol. But seriously I don't think we need to buy any school supplies for Kayla this year. As for back to school clothes, that is another story.