Did I ever write about my husband frustration about his Cellphone? A couple of weeks ago he called me and ranted about his Iphone4 not working right. The home button key was giving him such a headache. I told him that I could take it to the apple store to have it looked at and maybe fixed. He didn't want to do that, instead we headed off to the Mall on his next day off to look at other phones. He got the newest Samsung Skyrocket complete with
Cell phone accessories. It had a bigger screen and was almost the same as his Iphone4. He was excited about his new cellphone. In less than a week he got more and more frustrated with his new phone. The battery life was just ridiculous that he threatened to throw it against a wall. I had to remind him that we can still return it and get a refund so he can choose another phone. He ended up with the new Iphone4s. He said he is sold on the Iphone more than ever. I can't wait until the newest Iphone6 comes out next year. Having a smartphone has not only kept me connected to my family but it has also helped with my newest addiction, couponing!