Spring is finally here and I am just giddy and happy as can be. I can wear jean more now since the weather is not that cold. I usually wear sweats in the winter time keeps my legs warmer. Only a couple of my jeans fit me perfectly. Finding jeans that is not to long and won't show my butt crack is hard to find. Having a big butt makes it hard for me to wear low rise or hipster kind of jeans. I could wear them but when it comes to bending down forget it,lol...The kind of jeans I wear are the boot leg style jeans. However I am liking the new skinny jeans that I got from a friend. Maybe I should try browsing through
Joe's jeans and see what kinds of style they have. Durability and the fitting is important to me since I'm the kind of person that will keep wearing the same thing over and over again if I love it. Hopefully my diet and exercise will pay off so I can wear some of my old jeans,lol