1st Prize - 40 001 ECs, $25 and ads on various pagerank 2 and 3 blogs.
The Postcard Collector - $20 CASH
lifemarriageandkids - $5 CASH
Loutianren.blogspot.com (me) - 5 001 ECs
My note’s - 5 000 ECs
Diet Recipes Blog - 5 000 ECs
WhereAbouts - 2 500 ECs
Chuchie’s Hideaway - 2 500 ECs
Cheapest Airfare - 1 000 ECs
Michael Aulia - Technology & Reviews - 1 000 ECs
The iPhone Photographer - 1 000 ECs
Z Dark Room - 1 000 ECs
FickleMinded-A Pixel Worth A Thousand Words - 1 000 ECs
Chica Chika - 1 000 ECs
The Clamor of Kalinga - 1 000 ECs
a malaysian abroad - 1 000 ECs
Singaporean in London - 1 000 ECs
X O X. J A N E L L E .X O X - 1 000 ECs
Canadian Immigrants Networking Site - 1 000 ECs
My Trips - 1 000 ECs
Work-at-Home-Wealth - 1 000 ECs
Search Engine Panel - 1 000 ECs
I travel to work… - 3 000 ECs and two 125 x 125 advertising spaces for a week. This blog has a page rank of 3.
Entredropper.com - 1 000 ECs, grand winner featured at the site’s gallery and a permanent link
Serendipity - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. This blog has a page rank of 2.
Serradinho.com - 1000 ECs and a permanent link on the blogroll. Pagerank 2
Sri Lanka Real Estate - 125 x 125 advertising space for as long as you want.
Red Pine Mountain - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 3.
Sunshine’s Photoblog - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 3
a site for women - a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks on the front page. Pagerank 2
2nd Prize - 20 001 ECs, $20 and ad spaces on pagerank 2 blogs.
One Photo Project - $20 CASH
Random Detox | Travel and Tech - 3 000 ECs
101 Ways To make money Online - 2 000 ECs
iowa hippiechick- 2 000 ECs
A Simple Life - 1 500 ECs
Time! - 1 001 ECs
Time Recursion - 1 000 ECs
DesignersDepot - 1 000 ECs
Dancing in Midlife Tune - 1 000 ECs
The Path to the Pegasus Letter - 1 000 ECs
The Single Parent Talks - 1 000 ECs
Bryan Karl dot Com - 1 000 ECs
Wine at Five? - 1500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
Politicus.US - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space. Pagerank 2
Blogging resource and make money online - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
Life According To Me - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
DK Books and Other Stuff! - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 2
Exclusive Honeymoon & Vacation Resorts - 125 x 125 advertising space for as long as you want.
3rd Prize - 10 001 ECs, $10 store credit and ad spaces on various blogs.
Rose Works Jewelry Blog - $10 credit at the Rose Works Jewelry Shop
Guilty Pleasures - 1501 ECs
Photos from Northern Norway - 1 200 ECs
Joyoz Photography - 1 000 ECs
My Beauty And Fashion - 100 ECs
Random Thoughts - 1 000 ECs
A Moment to Exhale - 1 000 ECs
Gewgaw Writings - 1 000 ECs
ThemeLib - 1 000 ECs
Photo Mine - 200 ECs
contest ♥ love - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks. Pagerank 2
The Struggling Blogger dot com - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Health Is Wealth - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 1
vanillaseven.com - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month. Pagerank 1
Streaming - Online Watch - 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 weeks
Multiply Themes and Layouts - 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 weeks
Coastal Commentaries - a link for a month
4th Prize - 5 424 EC and some 4 125 x 125 ad spaces for a month.
Blog Tactic - 1108 ECs
Murderous Intention - 500 ECs
Life’s Journey - 500 ECs
Exploring My New World - 500 ECs
From This Side - 500 ECs
Sinigang For the Soul - 500 ECs
fragments of thoughts..a piece of life - 300 ECs
My Life’s Collection - 300 ECs
Viewpoint Publication - 300 ECs
DedeAndro™ - 266 ECs
Skinny Queen - 150 ECs
_el@i_ - 500 and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Fire and Glass-Sweetwater Designs - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Moved by Photos - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
Photos From Red Pine Mountain - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
5th Prize - 5 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Anything Goes W/ Pahn - 3 000 ECs
LovelyPurses - 1500 ECs
Online How To - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
6th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Symphony of Love -1 000 ECs
Ask Ms Recipe - 500 ECs
Health And Fitness Journal - 500 ECs
Denise Lee Porter - 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
7th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Dragon Blogger - 1 000 ECs
Øblog - 1 000 ECs
JunkieYard.com Dot Com - 500 ECs
The Fountain Of Happiness - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
8th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
In Retrospect - 2 000 ECs
24patrol - 500 ECs
AddYours® - 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
9th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
Life as Experienced Daily - 2 000 ECs
Journal of Journey - 500 ECs
Cacai’s Step and Journey - a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
10th Prize - 2 500 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month.
My Life’s Adventure - 1 000 ECs
My Road - 500 ECs
R…E…B…E…L…?!? - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for a month
11th Prize - 2 500 ECs and 2 125 x 125 advertising spaces.
Vacation and Travel Photos - 500 ECs
blog.pinoy2.com - 2 000 ECs and 2 different 125×125 advertising spaces at the random ads section.
12th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an adspace for 2 months
Peek-A-Boo - 1 000 ECs
Coloraddiction - glass, beads and color - 1 000 ECs and a 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 months
13th Prize - 2 000 ECs and and 2 ad spaces for 2 weeks.
Wonderful Things In Life - 1 000 ECs
Ode to Adrienne - 1 000 ECs
walkingnewspaper - 2 different 125 x 125 advertising spaces for 2 weeks
14th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an ad space for 2 weeks.
The Joy Of Life Forever - 1 000 ECs
OTHERSIDE OF MY LIFE.. - a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks
15th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an ad space
Twerlermz’ Blog - 1 000 ECs
Vertical Haven - 1 000 ECs
SoniaManuela.Com - 125 x 125 advertising space
16th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an adspace for 15 days.
glitchline - 1 000 ECs
Making sense…(somehow) - 1 000 ECs
Webloggerdai - a 200 x 200 advertising space for 15 days
17th Prize - 2 000 ECs and an ad space for 2 weeks
TribeChat Network Blogs - 1 000 ECs
eastcoastlife - 1 000 ECs
SURVIVOR: the REALITY of my LIFE - a 125 x 125 advertising space for two weeks
18th Prize - 2 000 ECs and a blog post about you
Day Break - 2 000 ECs
Ellie Yan Dot Com - a blog post
19th Prize - 2 000 ECs
Link Exchange Service Network - 500 ECs
New York Chica - 500 ECs
My Quality Day - 500 ECs
Hawksdomain’s Photos - 500 ECs
20th Prize - 2 000 ECs
My Life, Unplugged - 1 000 ECs
Caffeine Fix - 1 000 ECs
21st Prize - 1 500 ECs
Carnation - 500 ECs
KZBlog - 500 ECs
My so-called world - 500 ECs
22nd Prize - 1 500 ECs
Jeflin’s Investment - 1 000 ECs
Eating in New Zealand - 500 ECs
23nd Prize - 1 500 ECs
My Cornerstone Trio - 1 000 ECs
The Army Wifey - 500 ECs
Special Prizes:
Special Prize #1
The Journey of my life - 1 000 ECs, a text link for 3 months and 10GB hosting for a year
Special Prize #2
My Life’s Perception and Inspiration - a fashion watch, only available to winners in the US.
Special Prize #3
rEnmAi_cOoLbLOgs - 1 500 ECs
Grotto Girl’s 365 Day PhotoBlog - photo retouching for three digital photos.
Special Prize #4
ShengysDelight - 1 000 ECs
Texas RV Travel blog -125 x 125 advertising space for a month for travel blogs, 500 ECs for others.
Hot in Singapore - a 125 x 125 advertising space for 2 months
Special Prize #5
As Above So Below - One of the following astrological reports: The Sky Within, The Opportunities or the Asteroids.
The stuff might change without notice. Sponsorships are closed. If I got anything wrong, please tell me.