A couple of days ago my husband and I decided to indulge in our favorite pastime together, watching a movie after the kids are all tucked in bed. Since we have been married we have only been to the movies once. I prefer watching movies at home or the computer. Its our alone time together. We usually watch action/adventure, comedy/romance and of course the horror movies. I get so scared so easily but I still love to watch horror movies as long as my husband is with me. He laughs when I pick a scary movies and teases me if I will be watching the whole movie or half of it with my hands over my eyes. When I get scared I cover my eye with one hand and the other will be holding his. As soon as a scary part comes on I would cover my eyes and tell him to let me know as soon as its over, lol.. He cracks up every time I scream when something just happens on screen without any warning.
The movie we watched that night was
The Rite, with Sir Anthony Hopkins. It was about exorcism and a true story to boot. I have always been fascinated and intrigued about religious horror movies. I still remember the Exorcist and until now think that its one of the greatest horror movie classic of all time. Anthony Hopkins is such a versatile actor who can pull you into the web of the story with the way he commands attention on screen. It was a good movie and I only screamed once, lol. Ralph got startled when I screamed coz I was holding his hands when something was happening on screen, lol... I love movie night with my husband, its our own time to ourselves.