The photo are of the kids in their costumes. From (L-R) Kelly the glow in the dark witch, Kaitlyn as Jessie the cowgirl, Kayla as the scary vampire princess and Joey as Lightning McQueen of Cars.
They were all so excited to get dressed in the costumes that they picked and get some candy. I just feel bad though that the turn out for houses that participated in the Halloween candy giving were not so good. It was actually pathetic and just sad. I know people are not oblige to give candy but Its just once in a year and kids really put a lot of effort in picking the costumes and dressing up. Younger trick or treater practice saying " Trick or Treat". This year it was just us and the Tobler kids since our neighbors went to another development to be with their family. It's such a joy to our hearts to see our kids enjoy running down the street and going from house to house. To see the delight on the faces of each child as they hold out the candy holder for some candy. Even with the cold air it did not stop them from having fun. All in all this year was fun and we are thinking of going to another development next year. I hope you guys had fun trick or treating this year,coz we sure did and got lots and lots of candy..