Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Last Tuesday, we finally went to the beach. The last time we went to the beach was almost 4 years ago. I was actually 7 months pregnant with Kaitlyn and Kayla was 4. The kiddos were pretty excited, Kaitlyn was understandably more excited as this would be here first time to go to the beach. To make the story short, our beach outing was fun but Ralph and I are definitely not beach people. Since there are no cottages where you can put all your stuff and rest like in my country. You have to make do and put blankets and towels on the sand. And sand gets into everything and anything. As for the beach water, you can't let you if you have a younger child. It would knocked around by the wave and carried by the current. I was not used to it. Back home our waters are nothing like that. The kids can swim in the shallow end and not worry about getting knocked over by the strong wave. As soon as we packed up I blurted out " It's going to be Water Parks until they are older for the beach". Ralph agrees with me as he is also not a beach person. Hey, I am not saying I don't the beach period but I'm just not used to the beaches here in America.. If the wave and the current was not that strong I would have loved it. But when you have kids, you tend to gravitate to a place where you don't have to hold their hands in order for them to have a good time. To sum it all up it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. The important thing is that we had our little family time of bonding..

Sunday, July 24, 2011
This guest post from Edgardo Rosa
Some people (usually from the older generation) say that we have too much choice. Just take going to the grocery store for instance. The other day I went to the produce section, and counted over 18 varieties of apples. It seems like we used to have just red or green (on a good day!) I then went to the cereal aisle, and I guess I’ve never really realized the ridiculousness of our plethora of choices. There is literally an entire AISLE devoted to cereal! I can’t figure out if all of this choice is a good thing or a bad thing. I’ve gotten so used to all of my choices- that I don’t know what I would do without them. I love being able to scroll through my hundreds of channels from my satellite (http://www.TVbydirect.com) . I love being able to sit down on my couch, decide what cereal I want for breakfast out of around 100 choices, and then sit down to any one of 5-6 news/morning shows. Do you think that all of this choice is a good thing or a bad thing? Are we living in excess, or are we merely utilizing and enjoying choices that are in front of us?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

To my one and only sister Mitzi, A Happy Happy Birthday to you. I may not say I love you enough but you are a big part of my heart and my life. You are an amazing sister, daughter and I know that you will be a wonderful mom to Alyssa. I am so proud of your achievement and I love you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011


This is the first time that we really didn't do anything for my birthday. Last year I had a big birthday celebration in the Philippines. With the loss of my grandpa I just wanted to have a regular day. Ralph went out and got me white roses, card and a cake for my birthday. He really didn't have to but he said its not a birthday without the cake. My BIL Larry came down yesterday so he decided to make us dinner, his meatloaf. It was great and probably the best meatloaf I have ever tasted. I can't wait until I have the left overs tomorrow for my lunch, lol. I just want to thank family and every body who gave a few minutes of their time to greet me a happy birthday.. Thank you, I didn't know turning 21 (12 yrs ago ) was going to be this fun, hehehehehehhe

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
On the other hand, Ralph is going back to work on Friday. He has been resting a lot in preparation for a rough 12 hour shift. One thing that is bothering Ralph is the thought of not fitting his police uniform. A few days before he got cleared to go back to work he said he was going to take diet pills if he won't fit his uniform. But I encouraged him instead to just lessen his portion and stop drinking soda. He seems to be doing good for the meantime but the real test will be the day he puts on his uniform. I am crossing my fingers and toes that it will still fit him. If worse comes to worse maybe this will be his wake up call to stop drinking soda and indulging on midnight cooking snacks.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
I thought Tuesday was just going to be any ordinary day, wrong! After hosting the 4th of July BBQ we had a very lazy day. Woke up really really late, had lunch, in the pool and hanging out with the hubby. Little did I know that my world was going to turned upside down. It was after 8 p.m. that I got two calls my aunt and cousin in Chicago. My aunt left a message so I listen to that first. I was shaking when I heard the voice mail. I was afraid that something had happened to my mom or my grandpa. I hurriedly called my aunt while I was in the kitchen. She answered with such a sad voice. I knew right then that I was bad.
She started crying and finally uttered the most devastating news I had to hear "Lod, your " lolo" passed away this morning"(Lolo is what we call our grandpa in my country) I couldn't say anything. I just sobbed my heart out on the phone crying with my aunt. I just kept on crying and crying. This is the first time ever I have experience this kind of loss. It was gut wrenching and so deep that you wonder if it will ever heal. I cried for my grandpa, for my grandma, I cried for everybody's loss. But most of all I cried because I was not able to say goodbye. No one had a chance to say goodbye to him. My heart goes out to my grandma who was not able to say she loved him one last time. They were each others best friend and lovers for 61 long years.
To my Grandpa "lolo" Thank you so much for all that you have done, your sacrifices, and lessons will forever be etched in our hearts. I want to say so much but my heart is just so broken. I miss you so much....
Until we see each other again "lolo", I will be forever proud to have been your granddaughter. We love you and will live for your memories and celebrate your life...

Sunday, July 3, 2011