I turned _ _ years old today, happy birthday to me!!!

This is the first time that we really didn't do anything for my birthday. Last year I had a big birthday celebration in the Philippines. With the loss of my grandpa I just wanted to have a regular day. Ralph went out and got me white roses, card and a cake for my birthday. He really didn't have to but he said its not a birthday without the cake. My BIL Larry came down yesterday so he decided to make us dinner, his meatloaf. It was great and probably the best meatloaf I have ever tasted. I can't wait until I have the left overs tomorrow for my lunch, lol. I just want to thank family and every body who gave a few minutes of their time to greet me a happy birthday.. Thank you, I didn't know turning 21 (12 yrs ago ) was going to be this fun, hehehehehehhe

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