Last Thursday I finally went to see the newest installment of the twilight saga. My gal pal Krista went with me. It was my first girls night out, lol. I was so excited to finally go out and see the movie. I had heard raves from people who had seen it already. Before going to the movies we went on a little detour. Actually Krista had to stop at Fashion Bug to get her outfit for her work Christmas party. We were almost late going to the movies. The good thing about going to the movies on a weekday is that its slow. It was almost deserted that I was afraid they were closed. We got in before the actual movie started. Missing some of the previews of upcoming shows was no biggie.
The movie was good but I thought they dragged some of the scenes to long. My favorite part was of course the honeymoon. It was funny and romantic at the same time. There were scenes in the movie that was different from the book. All in all it was great, I loved it. I cannot wait for the the last installment which i heard will be this coming summer. To those who haven't seen the movie yet, go see it.