Friday, December 30, 2011

My cousins and her family are here as well. She has two girls and they are just so adorable. I am glad though that they did come. We have been talking about anything and everything. She is homeschooling her kids and her kids are striving. We also talked about the things they plan to do in the spring time and summer. Since they enjoy camping that will be included in future activities. I could not believe that she camps with her kids. She then proceeded to tell me that camping is fun specially if you have the right mountain hardwear. The trick is to be organized and to have fun. I don't think I will ever go camping. Ralph has been talking about camping with the kids in our backyard in the Summer. Well, they can camp all they want! I am sleeping inside where no worms can get close to me, lol. I just want to stick to the kids playing in the backyard or either swimming. I will not say never but camping is so at the bottom of my list.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A photo of our Christmas Tree this year. For the past years we have been using my MIL tree but since it was to big for the playroom I decided to put Ralph's tree instead. Before putting it up I did consult with my MIL so as not to offend her. She was okey with everything since and even helped me put up the Christmas Tree. I took half the time to put up the new tree than her old tree. It looked fuller and it fit perfectly. The kids also helped me put the ornaments on and put tinsels on the tree. It turned out beautiful! Next year I am planning on doing a color theme for the whole house. Maybe purple or white. Who knows, all I want is for my kids to enjoy and remember Christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011
We first went to Target to check out what things we could get. While there we checked out the baby aisle for my friends 6 month old baby. We ooohed and ahhhed over the cute outfits. And of course talked about anything and everything from feeding, potty training, being pregnant, maternity dresses,breastfeeding to parenting. After Target we hit up the food court where my husband and Kaitlyn met with us for lunch. It wouldn't be a mall day without visiting some of the other stores like Victoria Secret and Forever XXl. We didn't purchase anything, just ended up looking. Our main goal was one thing Target. We went back in with a vengeance. We both went home with a few bags of great finds. Mine was under $12 which was great since we had a $20 deal limit. She went over since she had to purchase diapers for her baby. But, all in all we did great!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The movie was good but I thought they dragged some of the scenes to long. My favorite part was of course the honeymoon. It was funny and romantic at the same time. There were scenes in the movie that was different from the book. All in all it was great, I loved it. I cannot wait for the the last installment which i heard will be this coming summer. To those who haven't seen the movie yet, go see it.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thursday, December 1, 2011
We did go to the mall still since my cousin wanted to do some retail shopping specially with no sales tax in our state. We got to the mall afternoon of black friday. The Mall was still packed and people were still running around trying to catch good deals. I dread to think what it must have been like the morning the Mall opened up. There were more people out shopping this year than last. My cousin bought a couple things for her kids and I also got tempted. Yes, I to get tempted. With so many transaction going on It made me wonder. If the cast registry could say something they would probably call for a time out. With all the many transaction being dealt they better have a good receipt printer like the Epson TM-T88V. I am one of those people who is very anal about my receipt. For sure a whole bunch of people will be keeping track of their receipt just in case some of their purchases have to be returned. My cousin and I have already put our receipt in our wallet. I'll probably still have my receipt until next year,lol. This years Thanksgiving was amazing. Not only did a get to shop for the first time as a couponer but I also had the pleasure of sharing the experience with a fellow couponer who happens to be my cousin.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Thursday, November 24, 2011
Happy Thanksgiving to all of us. Let us take this time to reflect. To say what we are thankful for. I am thankful for my family, and for all the hardship that we have surpassed. I thank my family for taking the time to come down and celebrate Thanksgiving with us. It means a lot to me.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011
I have checked it out and it seems to have an easy layout and system of browsing and ordering. They even have the virtual try me on. Where you can upload your photo and try on as many glasses as you want. That is a big deal. You can now see for yourself what you would look like. Check out the picture below, thats me trying on one of the glasses. I tried on the Paolo Visconti GLU05 with the matte brown frame for $49. Not only do they sell frames, they also have a varied selection of womens sunglasses which I think is great. I am actually on the lookout for a new pair of sunglasses specially with the winter months coming. Check them out and try the Virtual try-on to see which glasses is for you, I did!!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Couponing is not as easy as it seems. It takes skills, concentration and keen eye for a good bargain for it to work. I am still a newbie and I do not claim to be good at it yet. But with trial and error and support from other couponeers I will become successful. In almost two months of couponing my stockpile has grown and will keep growing,lol.. Next time I will post a picture of my growing stockpile, lol

Friday, November 4, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Saturday, October 22, 2011

To my husband and daughter, Happy Birthday and I hope that Ralph had a good time even though he didn't get anything. Like I always say to him every year on his birthday and special holidays " Kaitlyn is my gift to you for the next 18 years!"..... And to my princess bruiser, I hope you had a blast on your special day!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Monday, October 17, 2011

Sunday, October 16, 2011
One of the many things I enjoy doing with my youngest while her big sister is in school is taking a video or her. She enjoys dancing, singing and just doing normal things a 3 year old would do. So I am always ready to snap a picture or take a video. Kaitlyn tells me now to record a video of her. With her dad always busy working its important that I share milestones and activities with him via videos and pictures. Having a smartphone has its advantages since I can go online and upload videos on you tube and posting it on FB with just a touch of a finger. I have heard of youtube downloader but have not tried it yet. My phone is overrun with so many picture and photos. If the youtube downloader works like they say it does I would download it in a heart beat. Anyway, I must log off. My eyes are starting to give up on me and just wants to see the back of my eyelids. Goodnight peeps!!


Friday, October 14, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011


Friday, October 7, 2011

Thursday, October 6, 2011
As a way or rewarding them for being such big girls, I promised them a sleepover in our room with movie, popcorn and soda. They worked hard to it and tonight was a big success! We watched Rio and just had a great time together. You got to love and cherish this moment. Soon my girls won't even want to hang out with us, lol. Here is a quick shot of us before we started the movie. When is your family night?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Monday, September 26, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Tonight will finally be the night my favorite show comes on, CSI!!! If you are a CSI fan you already know that Laurence Fishburn will not be coming back. He is instead being replaced my Ted Danson. I really loves Laurence Fishburn who played Dr. Langston but he had to move on to better things. As for the newest addition to CSI, I will have to make my judgement after maybe a few more episode if I think his going to be a good addition to the CSI family. Not that that it matters what I think, lol. I can't wait to the newest episode tonight.

As for NCIS, I was not disappointed. They are still a great team with humor, action and full of thrill. I wanted to see more of Abby but all in all I loved the new show. I just fell bad for Tony and was afraid that he killed one of his team but it turned out that he didn't. I was also left on the edge of my seat with NCIS:LA. I thought for sure Hetty would die and the team will be left in shambles. I am just so glad to have my shows back!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Friday, September 16, 2011

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Finally, TLC is canceled Kate plus 8. I really enjoyed watching it the first couple of years. As the the years went on and as Kate grew to be more and more addicted to the spotlight I lost interest. I used to admire her courage, her organization and how she was with the kids. However I always cringed every time I saw how dominating she was towards her husband. I feel so sorry for John and I think they are better off divorce. Kate loves her kids for sure but she also loves the limelight. She said that if she had to go back to nursing she would do it but it won't be something that she wants to do. Her reasons were that she will see her kids lesser than what she is doing now. I think Kate has gotten used to doing it easy. Sponsored vacations, trips, things and etc. People are now question what will happen to her kids. Her kids will survive but I know Kate will do just about anything to stay in the limelight. I just hope that her kids will stay grounded and healthy.



Friday, September 9, 2011

So what got into me when I asked my husband a few days ago to get me a Dunkin Donuts Iced Coffee? I just wanted to find out for myself what all the hype was about this kind of coffee. I like my coffee very sweet, I added about 1/2 a cup of sugar plus caramel syrup. It was so good that I didn't stopped moving from 8:30 in the morning until about 5 p.m. I kid you not, I was so buzzed I did a lot of things in the one. It was a good thing but it was also a bad one. I am still recovering from surgery and all the moving around and doing chores due to caffeine made me start bleeding heavily and I started cramping up again. My MIL couldn't believe her eyes when she saw me drinking the iced coffee. It was good and I am planning on getting more. And I didn't not have a hard time sleeping at all. I can tell that this will be one of my guilty pleasures. Whats yours?

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Sunday, September 4, 2011
Hurricane Irene decided to hit the East Coast last August 27-28. I just has surgery a couple of days before that so Ralph did most of the running around buying emergency stuff that we may need like, water, batteries and just little snacks for the kids. For some reason I was not in pain, just a little sore inside and from my incision. I invited our friend Krista to stay with us and brave the storm at our house. The kids had fun playing with their respective Nintendo DS games and just basically left us adults by ourselves. I was worried about my husband, he had to work a 12 hour shift or longer depending on the orders from the Captain. I was so glad that Hurricane Irene didn't really hit us full on. We did get water in our basement about 3 inches. I was not really bothered about the flooding in the basement. I was more worried about the water reaching the outlet and the refrigerator, air conditioning unit and the hot water unit. Other than that I was not worried about the other stuff in the basement. Our sub-pump wasn't working. Even though it was just been a couple of days after my surgery I still had to do my part. Ralph got home after midnight and had to be up again at 7 a.m. With our sub-pump not working we decided to use the pool pump to get the water out and it worked.
We are just thankful that after all the weather reports Irene decided to slow down a bit. I am just glad its over and we are all safe. My heart goes out to all the family who have lost houses, properties and even loved ones.

Thursday, September 1, 2011
For me, I don't particularly get happy when its after August. You know why? That only means the end of Summer and the beginning of Fall/Autumn season. And I for one am not a cold/winter person. My mind is going on overdrive thinking about how cold will it be this season. Hopefully it won't be as bad as I think it will.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I never realized that the fear, anxiety and stress level goes up when you have kids. You think about your children's safety. As soon as it was over I stressed to my kids how important it was to find a safe place when there is an earthquake. I told Kayla if she is inside the house she is to grab her sister and go under the table until the quake stops and run outside with her and not come in until it was safe. I am all shook up but thankful that it didn't last that long and it wasn't that bad. The quake made me realize that mother nature is wide awake and she wants us to take notice.....

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Tuesday, August 16, 2011
If it was possible to get pregnant watching this men dance, I would be pregnant in an instance. This is how real men dance,with precision, strength and grace rolled into one. The men look good enough to eat but its the way they move to the beat and execute all the dance move with precision. That dance must be brutal on the thighs and legs. If I ever go to Hawaii I want to see the Annual Merrie Monarch Festival. Where women dance so gracefully like watching waves after waves. I am bewitched by all who participated. So I leave you to enjoy....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Friday, August 5, 2011

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Exactly a week from our beach adventure we head out to Jungle Jim's Water Park. We got there at around 10:30 in the morning.. It wasn't as crowded as I thought it would be and the park itself wasn't as big. Before we went in we just had to pose for a picture perfect shot with my angels. As for our experience in the water park that will be on my next post. It will be my review on Jungle Jim's Water Park...

Monday, August 1, 2011
If someone was to ask you where you want to have your ultimate vacation where would you say you want to go? As for me one of my top 5 ultimate vacation spot would be Hawaii. You wouldn't want to go to Hawaii? A place surrounded by beautiful island, white sand beaches and crystal clear waters. If we ever win the lottery I would not mind owning a property in Hawaii. I am sure there are Hawaii houses for a family of 5. I can dream can't I? It's always free to dream. For those who are looking for houses in Hawaii check out the link. Who knows you might find your dream house, a house where you can escape and relax.


Thursday, July 28, 2011

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Last Tuesday, we finally went to the beach. The last time we went to the beach was almost 4 years ago. I was actually 7 months pregnant with Kaitlyn and Kayla was 4. The kiddos were pretty excited, Kaitlyn was understandably more excited as this would be here first time to go to the beach. To make the story short, our beach outing was fun but Ralph and I are definitely not beach people. Since there are no cottages where you can put all your stuff and rest like in my country. You have to make do and put blankets and towels on the sand. And sand gets into everything and anything. As for the beach water, you can't let you if you have a younger child. It would knocked around by the wave and carried by the current. I was not used to it. Back home our waters are nothing like that. The kids can swim in the shallow end and not worry about getting knocked over by the strong wave. As soon as we packed up I blurted out " It's going to be Water Parks until they are older for the beach". Ralph agrees with me as he is also not a beach person. Hey, I am not saying I don't the beach period but I'm just not used to the beaches here in America.. If the wave and the current was not that strong I would have loved it. But when you have kids, you tend to gravitate to a place where you don't have to hold their hands in order for them to have a good time. To sum it all up it wasn't bad but it wasn't great either. The important thing is that we had our little family time of bonding..

Sunday, July 24, 2011
This guest post from Edgardo Rosa
Some people (usually from the older generation) say that we have too much choice. Just take going to the grocery store for instance. The other day I went to the produce section, and counted over 18 varieties of apples. It seems like we used to have just red or green (on a good day!) I then went to the cereal aisle, and I guess I’ve never really realized the ridiculousness of our plethora of choices. There is literally an entire AISLE devoted to cereal! I can’t figure out if all of this choice is a good thing or a bad thing. I’ve gotten so used to all of my choices- that I don’t know what I would do without them. I love being able to scroll through my hundreds of channels from my satellite (http://www.TVbydirect.com) . I love being able to sit down on my couch, decide what cereal I want for breakfast out of around 100 choices, and then sit down to any one of 5-6 news/morning shows. Do you think that all of this choice is a good thing or a bad thing? Are we living in excess, or are we merely utilizing and enjoying choices that are in front of us?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

To my one and only sister Mitzi, A Happy Happy Birthday to you. I may not say I love you enough but you are a big part of my heart and my life. You are an amazing sister, daughter and I know that you will be a wonderful mom to Alyssa. I am so proud of your achievement and I love you.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Friday, July 15, 2011


This is the first time that we really didn't do anything for my birthday. Last year I had a big birthday celebration in the Philippines. With the loss of my grandpa I just wanted to have a regular day. Ralph went out and got me white roses, card and a cake for my birthday. He really didn't have to but he said its not a birthday without the cake. My BIL Larry came down yesterday so he decided to make us dinner, his meatloaf. It was great and probably the best meatloaf I have ever tasted. I can't wait until I have the left overs tomorrow for my lunch, lol. I just want to thank family and every body who gave a few minutes of their time to greet me a happy birthday.. Thank you, I didn't know turning 21 (12 yrs ago ) was going to be this fun, hehehehehehhe

Tuesday, July 12, 2011
On the other hand, Ralph is going back to work on Friday. He has been resting a lot in preparation for a rough 12 hour shift. One thing that is bothering Ralph is the thought of not fitting his police uniform. A few days before he got cleared to go back to work he said he was going to take diet pills if he won't fit his uniform. But I encouraged him instead to just lessen his portion and stop drinking soda. He seems to be doing good for the meantime but the real test will be the day he puts on his uniform. I am crossing my fingers and toes that it will still fit him. If worse comes to worse maybe this will be his wake up call to stop drinking soda and indulging on midnight cooking snacks.

Sunday, July 10, 2011
I thought Tuesday was just going to be any ordinary day, wrong! After hosting the 4th of July BBQ we had a very lazy day. Woke up really really late, had lunch, in the pool and hanging out with the hubby. Little did I know that my world was going to turned upside down. It was after 8 p.m. that I got two calls my aunt and cousin in Chicago. My aunt left a message so I listen to that first. I was shaking when I heard the voice mail. I was afraid that something had happened to my mom or my grandpa. I hurriedly called my aunt while I was in the kitchen. She answered with such a sad voice. I knew right then that I was bad.
She started crying and finally uttered the most devastating news I had to hear "Lod, your " lolo" passed away this morning"(Lolo is what we call our grandpa in my country) I couldn't say anything. I just sobbed my heart out on the phone crying with my aunt. I just kept on crying and crying. This is the first time ever I have experience this kind of loss. It was gut wrenching and so deep that you wonder if it will ever heal. I cried for my grandpa, for my grandma, I cried for everybody's loss. But most of all I cried because I was not able to say goodbye. No one had a chance to say goodbye to him. My heart goes out to my grandma who was not able to say she loved him one last time. They were each others best friend and lovers for 61 long years.
To my Grandpa "lolo" Thank you so much for all that you have done, your sacrifices, and lessons will forever be etched in our hearts. I want to say so much but my heart is just so broken. I miss you so much....
Until we see each other again "lolo", I will be forever proud to have been your granddaughter. We love you and will live for your memories and celebrate your life...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Monday, June 27, 2011

Last June 22, 2011 in Cebu my sister received her certificate in Advance Culinary Arts. Ever since my sister has had a love affair with food. Aside from my grandma, she is the second best cook in our family. I know how to cook mind you but my cooking is mediocre compared to my sister. She is one hell of a cook! Last year she started going to school to learn more about cooking. I knew she was going to make it and excel for this was something she really love and enjoy doing. Aside from receiving her certificate she also got two awards. The Service Recognition Award and The Student Leadership Award.
I am so proud of my sister for her great achievement. Pay attention culinary world for my sister is about to rock your world, lol. I really didn't get a chance to really express my happiness on her graduation so here goes.

Manang, I am so proud of you. The past months have not been really great but you did not let that stop you from smiling and persevering and holding on. How I wish I was there to bear witness as you received your certificate. I am so proud of you manang! I am so sorry if it seems that I am not there for you. I love you with all my heart. I know you will make it big and you will succeed. You are not only a great daughter, sister, friend but you are also a wonderful mom to Alyssa. I love you so much manang!I will make it up to you one of this days..

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Saturday, June 18, 2011
I just want to say that its easy to be a father, but it takes a real man to stand up to his responsibility and a Dad, Papa or Tatay. God has generously blessed my kids and I a man who truly loves his children. I grew up not really knowing my father. God didn't want my kids to grow up like that so he sent me a man a good man. A father who will gladly lift up his kids so they can reach the stars, lay down his life to protect them and most of all love them with all his heart. To all the wonderful Dad out there, Happy Father's Day again..

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011
The movie we watched that night was The Rite, with Sir Anthony Hopkins. It was about exorcism and a true story to boot. I have always been fascinated and intrigued about religious horror movies. I still remember the Exorcist and until now think that its one of the greatest horror movie classic of all time. Anthony Hopkins is such a versatile actor who can pull you into the web of the story with the way he commands attention on screen. It was a good movie and I only screamed once, lol. Ralph got startled when I screamed coz I was holding his hands when something was happening on screen, lol... I love movie night with my husband, its our own time to ourselves.

Monday, June 6, 2011
Oh snap it cracked! That is a picture of our kitchen counter. I don't know how it happened and when it happened but its not good. Our kitchen counter is still new. I only noticed the crack when I was using the crock pot. Maybe it cracked when the crock pot was placed not to gently on the counter? Nobody seems to know. It seems like I was the only one who noticed the crack. Of course as soon as I saw it I had to tell my husband so he could call the company we bought it from. First he has to find out the warranty of the kitchen counter. Hopefully something can be done. As for now you can't even tell where the crack is, but I know and it will bother me until it is fixed or replaced.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Saturday, May 28, 2011

Friday, May 27, 2011