Got a big surprise today, my cousin Dominic came by to see me. We both got so emotional hugging each other, we missed each other so much. After the much needed hug we perused each other and smiled at how much we both have changed. According to him,I have not changed one bit and I still look young. As for him, he has gained a lot of weight since I last saw him. He still needs medication for his face, maybe
pronexin can help control his acne and breakouts. I just miss him so much and we talked about the fun times we did while I was in Manila waiting for the process of my Visa. It was such fun times and memorable. For now he crashed on our couch and I am sure that when he wakes up we will start talking where we left off. I can't wait to see the rest of my relatives specially my maternal grandparents in a couple of days. I love my family!