I am finally done with decorating the house. I am a little frustrated though with some of the hanging stuff on the wall. They seem to stick and stay in place but the next day they are on the floor. I am so tired of fixing it so I think I'll forgo that this year. I have already put the wreath on the door and added a few decorations to it to make it pop. Now that I have it in place on the door I seem to be having difficulty closing and sometimes opening the lock. It happened twice that I could not open the lock right away, I had to struggle for the bit. When I mentioned this to Ralph he doesn't seem to think it is the wreath but the door handle and the lock itself. He said we will be needing new
handlesets for the front door and other door that leads to the deck. Maybe its the cold weather that's making it stick. I will try and spray the lock with a little oil to grease it up. I have a lot of cleaning up and organizing to do after all the boxes and containers are returned in the basement. Oh well, a mother's work is never done.