It's been a while since I last updated my blogs. I guess you could say I was burned out. Many things have happened over the past weeks that my brain just went on overdrive and I crashed after. I didn't even get to write anything for my mom's birthday. I just needed time to get myself together. Physically I am fine but emotionally I felt a disconnect to everybody else. All I wanted to do was just crawl into myself and just wallow in sadness, self pity, depression or whatever you may want to call it. That has always been my way of handling things, I keep it all to myself. Before anybody goes on brain overdrive my marriage is A-OK, lol
Last night I decided to talk to my husband about it. I wanted to say I was sorry for being so distant, moody and just irritable lately. Like the good and understanding husband that he is, he comforted me and wanted to know if it was anything he did. I am lucky to have a good husband, he is not perfect but so am I. Everyday is a work in progress for me, taking baby steps at a time. Am I back to blogging? For certain, I realized that at times sitting down and writing about everything seems to help. I have pulled myself in bad situation and I can certainly pull myself out again.