My first time to join Mommy Moments every Friday. Since this is my first time I included the first time I held my first born in my arms. Well it was actually the second time coz the first time I held her she was all bloody, this was taken after she was cleaned up a little bit. I could not stop crying, I felt so much joy and love at the same time. I could not understand how I felt instant love to this little human being in my arms. That was an awesome experience and one that I would like to happen again, I want another baby.
My first born Kaitlyn in my arms.
With my two girls helping me blow birthday cake.
With our eldest Kayla at Sesame Place this past Summer.
With my lil bruiser Kaitlyn
The joy and pain of raising a child is part of motherhood. A job that is both fulfilling and scary at the same time. Fulfilling when you see how your children develop and change right before your eyes, Scared for what their future might bring them. As a parent you only want what is best of your kids. I never did understand that until I became a mom. My kids are the air that I breathe, they bring spring to my step, smile on my lips, sparkle in my eyes but most of all they bring joy and happiness in my heart... For more of Mommy Moments click on the badge and read some of the greatest stories from mothers all over the world..