Last May our television finally made its last curtain and showed its last show. We could not believe it, we just had that television fixed not 8 months ago. In times like this Ralph would usually just when we took one step forward things happen that drags us two steps back. It useless to pay another $450 to have it fixed only to have it break down on us again less than a year later. Watching television is one of the few things both my husband and I enjoy together, it also helps educate and entertains our kids with songs, values and educational shows. When we finally got our new television and surround system we hit yet another bump. It was a mind boggling for Ralph when it was time to set it all up. Did you know that hooking up a new television and an entertainment center can be so difficult. We ended up paying a professional to set up the whole thing and it was money well spent. If we had not hired a professional we would have ended up with three remote controls. One for the television, the
surround sound and the DVD. We finally ended up with just two remote, one for the television/cable and the other one for the entertainment center and the surround sound. Had we known that Yamaha neoHD had existed we would have saved all the hassle. To have just one remote to use on everything would be a blessing. Just one remote can really save us time, its hassle free and the convenience it affords. I definitely not to late, we could still get our hands on our own Yamaha newHd by joining the Yamaha neoHD Sweepstakes . Joining is as easy as tweeting about it at tweeter or enter via Now that is something that I would really love to win. How about you?would you love to get one for your family?