Something weird happen to us after we had our Ice Cream run last Sunday. As we were walking up to our door we heard a loud thump. I turned around and asked Ralph what it was. He had a shock look on his face and said that a bird just hit the side door of our van. True to his word a bird was laying on the side of the van. It was just a baby bird learning to fly. The mama and daddy bird was circling above chirping and calling their baby. The poor bird probably hurt himself and could only fly a couple of feet at a time. We decided to leave the bird hoping it would eventually learn to fly off. After the kids were asleep Ralph checked the backyard just to make sure if the baby bird got to flying. He came back inside telling me that the bird is still out there. We decided to put him the bird cage we had in the basement and just keep him for the night in the bathroom so the cats won't get to him. Ralph got up early to hunt some worms in the backyard and fed it to the baby bird. When it was sunny and warm enough we let it out of the cage and just put him in the backyard. He must have learn to fly since we could not find him later that afternoon. I would like to think that his mom and dad found him and helped him fly back to their nest.
Ideas for Outdoor Fun
6 years ago