
The Designers Chic

Friday, May 1, 2009


Most girls dream of diamonds but a whole bunch of women have this love for shoes and more shoes. There is a little Imelda Marcos in all of us, even little old me. My mother was and still is a shoe lover. She had a whole collection of shoes when she was younger, different styles and different colors. It had to match what she was wearing and what she was in the mood for. My mom's love for shoes has apparently been passed on to my youngest. She is only 18 months but she loves loves shoes. When she meets new people she makes it a point to look at there shoes and if she likes them she will touch it. As for me, I still have that little Imelda in me trying to emerge. Since were in a recession my love for buying shoes has taken a step back. I was honestly surprised when I check out AMI CLUBWEAR not only were there shoes cute and sexy but they had a varied selection as well. My mouth literally watered and my eyes bulged out as I was browsing through the collection of shoes.

As parent, I make it a point to buy things that are comfortable and practical at the same time. But that doesn't mean that I will have to settle for anything less. I fell in love with this white open toe cuff ankle low wedge sandals as soon as I saw it and prayed that they have it in my size. With those sandals I can still run around with my little girl without fear of tripping and still look cute. And this is what I call walking in comfort and style. Check out AMI Clubwear and prepare to be boggled with all the affordable shoes, dresses, accessories that they have..



Yesterday was all fun and rides for us, well for the girls mostly Kayla. It was a little cold but we all had fun. Kaitlyn refused to get on her stroller and I had to carry her around since she will only go to her daddy once in a while. Wasn't able to take a lot of photos but I did get some videos of daddy and her girls.

While at the carnival I couldn't help but notice all the teeny boppers/hormone enraged teenagers there. I was disgusted with how our teenagers dress nowadays. Very tight short shorts, plunging neckline, tight short skirts, and boy jeans hanging so low, piercing and questionable hairstyles. The kids I'm talking about were probably between the ages of 12-17. I was mortified, horrified and scared witless how this young boys and girls were acting. Do you know what went through my mind when I saw young boys and girls together? Are this kids having sex? Are they doing drugs? I could not help but wonder how things are going to change in ten years time or less when my girls are going to be hitting puberty. I tell you, I got scared and afraid how I'm going to raise my girls. I told Ralph about my fear on our way home and he said that we will raise our girls with a lot of values and morals so that they will learn what is wrong and not be afraid to say no. As a parent of girls I'm really really scared for them. Young people tend to think they are immune, they don't think beyond that moment, they are impulsive, and easily swayed. Will I be able to raise and instill the values that was taught to me? I really don't know. Ralph and I will try our damnest to raise our kids to be God fearing, compassionate and law abiding citizen. This wont be the end of my rambling thoughts but this is what I have to say for now......

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