They said that Christmas is the time for giving and I'm so sick and tired of looking at items that i love or would love to get for someone i love but don't have the money right then and there. Kmart is making it easier for all of us. If you don't have any idea what it is and how it works its just easy as 1, 2, 3. First you go to your nearest Kmart, look around for items that you would like to buy for yourself, for your family or for Friends. Once you have an idea of what your getting take the said item and bring it over to the counter, make a down payment. What i love about the program is that you can pay small increment amounts which is every two weeks. I know its already November now and you your thinking its already to late, well there is no such thing as being late when your giving someone something they deserve. It suck when you find an item you can't buy right away and your forced to come back for it only to find out its been sold out. Where else can you find such a program that will allow you to reserve the item while your making small payments? If you keep up with the program, in 8 short weeks the item is yours to take home. That's more than incredible, its terrific! .. Its a win win situation for everyone. With Kmart everything is positively amazing!