Coming home to Cebu has been very stressful on me mentally, physically, emotionally and financially. Planning on what gifts to buy and what clothes to bring is so stressful. You have to write down each and everyone of your relatives so you wont forget to buy them something. The other hassle is thinking about the right thing to get for them specially the men. With the women I have no problems, I just buy a bunch of Victoria Secret stuff and give them out. The men on the other hand are more of a problem on what to get them. I bought some shirts for the male relatives but I got a headache thinking about the sizes and if it will fit or not. I was so tempted to just buy
wholesale clothes to bring back home. I just hope that my relatives won't be disappointed with what I will be giving them. The important thing is it came from the heart and i thought of them. As the saying goes " It's the thought that counts ".
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