The much awaited sleepover in our room with the kids was a success! For almost 2 weeks now my girls have been sleeping on their own. Yes, my girls used to sleep with either my husband or me but, its mostly me with my husband working all the time. My goal was to help my girls transition to sleeping by themselves in their own room without me or husband laying down with them. I am so proud to say that my girls did it! It's not going to be easy but if we keep up with it, they will eventually get used to it.
As a way or rewarding them for being such big girls, I promised them a sleepover in our room with movie, popcorn and soda. They worked hard to it and tonight was a big success! We watched Rio and just had a great time together. You got to love and cherish this moment. Soon my girls won't even want to hang out with us, lol. Here is a quick shot of us before we started the movie. When is your family night?
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