What a snow!!! It did snow a lot last night and by the time we woke up our place was shrouded in blanket of white snow. This has been the most snow i have seen in two years i have been here. As soon as i got the kids eating breakfast and dressed we were off sledding to the big park with the big hill. The only bad thing about the weather was the gusty wind. Brrggghhhh! it was so cold. When we got there a lot of people were already going down the hill. It was a struggle getting on top of the hill with all the snow. I huffed and i puffed and i walked my way up to the big hill. Kaitlyn went down with Ralph and I with Kayla. It was a big and long drop but it was so fun. Kaitlyn and I were done after that one slide since it was way to cold for her and we trudged our way back to the car. I was about to cry from carrying Kaitlyn and the car looked so far away. It hurt to breathe and it was pure torture carrying how many pounds of so. We finally got in the car and after a few minutes Ralph and Kayla got in the car and left. We went to the small hill after, a couple of blocks away from our house. It was perfect and Kayla was with her friend Tamara as well. I didn't take any pictures, i was to busy taking care of Kaitlyn. All in all it was a fun family day out in the snow
sounds so much fun but brrrr, lol. here it's starting to get hot, summer na!
Mommy's Little Corner
A Simple Life
Moms... Check Nyo
damo jd d i snow dha sa, enjoy kau imu baby kaitlyn ug kayla. Tugnaw pa kaayo dri, sa pinas summer na, i miss summer na jd.
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