This is Kaitlyn this morning on her potty. I thought we had a potty chair for her but we only got the potty seat. I took that up from the basement yesterday and i wanted to try if Kaitlyn would sit on the toilet and she did. She liked it a lot and would cry when it was time for her to get off. This morning while Kayla was brushing her teeth i decided to put her on the potty chair and see if she would go. I left her there for about 5 minutes but i was not far away i was just outside the door. When i finally went in to check on her she had already done her business and we were so happy. I didn't think she would do it, lol.. Big sister could not resist hugging and kissing Kaitlyn and of course wanted to have a picture taken with her even if Kaitlyn was still on the potty. My baby is growing up and its a bittersweet moment. I don't know if she is too young to be potty trained but I'm going to try. We will get her own potty so she can sit on it whenever she wants without help.

I guess that is good mommy Lods that she got to go. Good for her! :) Si big sister oi dalaga na jud kaayo mommy Lods. Dako naman jud ning imoha baby K oi porya buyag lang liwat bya jud ningyong duha ni Ralph. :)
You go, Kaitlyn!
If she sat there and did her business on the potty--she's definitely not too young.
BTW, she's going to be so mad with you when she learns later that you posted this pic. lol
Labay sab ko dire...it is my first time to visit...your kids are adorable...hope to be here more often.
Nice to know that she likes to sit on it. it would be easy for you to potty train her. kadako na gyud ni bb K. liwat kaayo siya nimo Lods.
take care
Hooray for potty training!
so cute I had a hard time looking for those seats my son needs one c:
hello te..salamat sa comment...pinada to sa akong mama ang flashcards te...maygani kay sige ko padad-an nila..waman jud na dire uy...pero tuod te naa sa online pod na sya..check this out http://www.powells.com/biblio?isbn=9780804839570
that is good te nga interested sad ka nga imo tudluan imo mga tseketing...hehhe...lagi ..sa blay sab ako ra mag bsaya..pero ako tudlo sako bata is tagalog or bisaya...good luck te Lodz!
Good news! It's great to learn the potty thing!
Asus! ka pretty sa baby kaitlyn early in the morning, looks like you need a haircut there bb. very early kau nagpotty training ana niya gd, smart girl.
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