Its been over a year and still i marvel at the thought that i am a mother, a parent to a beautiful little girl. Every day seeing the world in my daughter's eyes is still an ongoing learning experience. I look at her and worry about how i can make things better for her. One thing i can do is be there for her and stay healthy as i can so i can see her grow up. Having a mother and sister that has heart problems scares me specially that I'm a mother myself. There is still hope that heart disease can be cured using woman's monthly cycle that is rich in stem cell. Before i had no idea that my monthly cycle could one day save my life, hearing
C'Elle Testimonials only reaffirms my belief that this could be right for me, my mother and my sister. I already have a grandmother that died of heart disease and with C'elle my monthly cycle could hold the life saving cure for me and my family one day. Cure and treatment for other potentially major diseases like (MS) Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's could finally be found.With the patented technology and easy to use tool-kit collecting and harvesting life saving stem cell is a piece of cake. With the special time limited offer
Order C'elle Now for the special price of only $400 for annual plan ($200 retail savings) and when you order before January 31, 2009 get a bonus limited edition rhinestone engraved satchel (code : CNB200). Do this and your whole family will benefit from it one day.
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