
The Designers Chic

Friday, December 25, 2009


In a few hours Christmas will have come to pass paving the way for the New Year. This year I got more into the spirit of Christmas, its all because of my kids. I'm am looking forward to the next year and await what it has in store for all of us. Hopefully my trip going back home will push trough since I have been wanting to go home for a visit for almost 3 years now. I am scared of traveling since I will have my 2 year old daughter with me. MIL wants to come since she worries about me traveling alone with the baby and she also wants to see my home country. She worries about how big the airports are. I remember the first time I arrived here I was in culture shock.. Everything was all so new, shiny , different and big to me. The airports was a little bit scary when they are huge,lol. Makes me wonder how many philadelphia airport jobs are filled in or vacant. With the recession still looming over our heads like rain clouds I hope that the economy will turn around for the better in 2010. I'm crossing my fingers will hope and pray that will everything will go smoothly for my trip back home next year.



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