
The Designers Chic

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


It amazes me how a family can change one persons life. Andrew, Ralph nephew has changed so much and more now that his a family man. He had a rough life and we thought he was never going to clean up his act. When his girlfriend got pregnant and had a baby he stepped up right to the plate. He adores his son and is working his butt off to support his family. They have been coming down for the weekend to help Ralph with stuff around the house. While they were here they got to talking about insurance, from cars to life insurance. Ralph asked Andrew what his plans are and to make sure that he gets that covered. I know Andrew is taking Ralph's advice to heart, he should look into insurancespecialists. He knows that once he is more settled and regular at his work he will have to take care of the insurance for his son and his family. And Ralph has seen what his nephew can do if he sets his mind to it and knows that Andrew will go a long way if he keeps up and has a good head on his shoulder.



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