Education's purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one. ~Malcolm S. Forbes
All parents want the right education for their kids. With that being said we all want what is best for them. Our niece Kristen is soon to be graduating high school and she has yet to decide what degree what is taking up and schools she wants to look into. But before she decides to do any of that she has to make sure that she not only get good grades but also score and excellent mark on her SAT's. SAT is a standardized test that includes critical reading, math and writting for college addmission. I hope Kristen thinks about sat prep to help her prepare for the big test. She know that in order to get to a good college she has to do good on her SAT as well. When the time comes for our kids turn we know that they will have to take the SAT's we will have a back up plan to help them prepare for this important test.
Ideas for Outdoor Fun
6 years ago
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