July has been a very memorable month for my MIL, Kaitlyn and I. We journeyed thousand of miles in order for us to go back home and see my family once again. But I will write about that experience another time. While in Cebu, Philippines I realized that my youngest daughter is no longer a baby. I look at her and see how much she has developed and improve daily. I had to hold on to my tears when I was folding the
baby clothes I had bought for my godchildren. I realized that she could no longer fit on those clothes and wished she was a baby once more. It made me long for another child once more. Husband and I had discussed that we would be trying for another baby when I get back from my vacation. It's high time we try to add to our brood of 2 and maybe have another girl. Well, MIL and hubby would like a boy but I prefer a girl only because I have girls and I feel like I wouldn't know how to raise a boy,lol. But no matter the sex of the new baby I would love it with all my heart. I'm just hoping that we will be blessed soon.
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