Took this photo last year, it's the tree in front of our neighbors house. This is always the first tree to start loosing its green foliage that turned red to brown in a just a few short days. Fall is indeed staking its claim on the land and trees, preparing them for the freezing blast of winter. I am the very first one in our family to complain and whine about the weather turning cold. My husband is the second one to whine with him having to rake and bag all the leaves. The kids love any weather but fall and winter brings about a new adventure for both. The joy of helping daddy rake the leave only to have them scatter it about when they dive in to jump in the pile of leaves. They don't mind the cold weather nor the bulkiness of their coats. It is enough for them that they get to go outside and run about.. I feel for my kids specially in the Winter time they are going to be locked in the house most of the time. My kids cannot wait for the sky to break open and let loose its white powder called snow.
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