New Year once again was a successful family gathering at our house. The photo on the left side is 2 out of the 4 meals we prepared for our family. We only had 5 since we tend to overcook which leaves us with a lot of left overs. I made beef stew ( beef caldereta) , mixed veggies, sausage and meatballs, fresh ham and my BIL lasagna. I only cooked 3 out of the 5 meals. It was wonderful today, the weather was nice except for a little rain. Inside our house, the laughter and the story telling was not dampened by the rain outside. All of the Schifano men were in one house. Kaitlyn was all over her Uncle Larry that she hardly sees. She loved the presents (princes shoes,cellphone and a purse with jelweries) he got her. She was wearing them the moment she opened it. Ralph had to work today but he did not miss out on the festivities. My guest didn't start arriving until 2 p.m and by 4:15 Ralph was home from work. We ate to our hearts content. Surprisingly not one of the 24 pack of beers were consumed. They were still experiencing hang overs from welcoming year 2011. We still have left over but by tomorrow evening, it will be all gone. What were your festivities like?
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