Don't you just love getting stuff in the mail. I get so excited whenever I get something in the mail. weather it be letter, junk mail or free sample from different products. This week I finally received my sample of the tide pods. I have heard so much about this tiny little pack of laundry soap. I must say, Tide is still the best detergent I have ever tried so far. It really does take out stains, whitens and smells great. One of my most prized stockpile is my bottles of tide laundry detergent. Its not a lot but it's more than enough to last me 6 months of laundry, I think,lol.
I was so excited when I recieved my tide pod sample in the mail. I tried it right away and I was not left disappointed. It really works, It comes in a small pre measured packs. Its so easy to use, just drop it in your washing machine, can be used cold, warm or hot water. I actually like it because you don't have to worry about spill. Sure, the price of Tide is a little bit more expensive than other laundry detergent but It does prove its worth. I have learned to buy my tide when the go on sale. With that said, I am on a constant lookout for Tide sale. My tide is only used on our whites and what I consider special garments, lol

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