I am absolutely relieved that we finally got our garbage out just in time. We missed 2 weeks worth of garbage being picked up and it was accumulating.. I was more worried about my recycling as i still have a whole bunch of trash that needs to be recycled. Caring for our environment has to start small, within the household. My kids know the importance of recycling. As a couponeer, I use a lot of printing paper to print coupons. Most often that naught, not all coupons will be used. Wasting any more paper is out of the question. So I took all those papers with expired coupons, clipped them together and gave it to the kids for them to write , draw and use for craft.
Eco friendly printing is popular nowadays due to the fact that they are safe for the environment. We are also assured of products that have gone thru the 3 R's that is Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Patronizing products from Eco friendly printing assures you that its safe for the environment and your family. With how our environment is today it is of vital importance that we value and take care of mother nature. And one way of doing that is starting slowly but sure and teaching the young generations of today the 3 R's = reduce, reuse and recycle. We have started that in our household, how about yours?
Ideas for Outdoor Fun
6 years ago
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