
The Designers Chic

Thursday, September 4, 2008


Yesterday i was just dropping my e-card on blogs when i made my way to i was in tears when i saw this:

I could not believe my eyes. Tears just started to flow,my daughter was sleeping on my lap and i just instinctively clutched her in my arms holding her tight..I cried for the child and for the mother who bore that child into this world.

How could we let this happen? It was also mentioned that :It was a 1994 Pulitzer Prize winning photo.The photographer Kevin Carter committed suicide 3 months after receiving the prize.The horrible images and haunting dreams he must have suffered because of this picture.

I could not even imagine the sorrow and pain the mother of the child going through.This was just a child, a child who should have been healthy , playing and laughing but instead, a dying child child so emancipated and very near deaths door that a vulture is waiting for death to claim the child...


Daisy said...

It is very difficult to see this heartbreaking photo.

Anonymous said...

that's true Lods, this picture mirrors the devastating condition of people on the other side of the world. we should always be reminded of this picture every time we feel like not finishing our food, or throwing our left-overs.

anne said...

wahhh kaluoy pud aning bataa na ni oi

hippos toes said...

Absolutely devastating! Makes my heart hurt to see this. It is just not right!!

LODS said...

hi daisy.thanks for dropping by.and yes it is such a heartbreaking photo.i get so sad everytime i see it.makes me thankful for everything.

LODS said...

ror,i really cried a lot for this pic.g sakitan gyud ko ug maayo nag tanaw coz im a mother now.

LODS said...

hi anne,your so right.i feel sorry for the child's mother.i just hope the child is in a better place now.

LODS said...

hi sams mom,its not right.i wonder what we the people are doing about this?


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