With that explained,I was so exhausted and sleepy,i just zonked off.The next thing i now i was woken up by this pitter patter of feet crawling on the hardwood floor. It was by 10 month old baby girl..She was crawling out the door going to our room.The first thing i said was "OH MY GOD!" and kept repeating it over and over again. Luckily my husband jumped out of bed and went to the baby thinking that i was still asleep on the floor..As soon as the baby saw him,she did a u turn and crawl right back in the room. i just scooped her up and just said :
" Langga(beloved)how did you open the door.?"
" my god honey,i cant remember how i got here.good thing you woke up "
It was still my mother's instinct that woke me up when i heard her crawling out the door. the morning before that i was telling my mother in law that we have to get gates around the house specially for upstairs in case i fell asleep and the door is open. But, still i felt guilty and in shock. I never remembered getting up and getting the baby out of her crib to lay her down on the floor next to me.. And when i do,i always always make sure i reallyl close the door.I kept thinking and trying to remember how i got in her room and how come i couldnt remember.I was never like this..
But last night,was and is still a mystery to me.

OMG...... THATS scary..... She didnt hurt herself getting out of the crib did she?
Btw.. if I can ask are you here in America? just curious?
~ Christopher ~
hi christopher.thankfully she wasnt hurt.both my husband and i woke up just in time...i already linked to you..im here in delaware.
OH.. I know why I didnt get that reply.... I dont think I checked the EMAIL ME COMMENTS thing! oops sorry.
ahh Delaware nice!
~ Christopher ~
hi! sometimes I also stay in my daughter's room when she isn't well. but sometimes I take her to our bed so that I don't need to get up all the time, in that way we both get to rest.
She will soon outgrow her bed and that's my worry--that she'll creep out of her room,etc.but for now it's still ok.
Our babies' guardian angels are looking after them really well.
wow! that definitely scared me lods. i think you should get those gates for protection just in case. especially now that she is starting to walk.
Wow, how scary!! I'm glad she is okay!
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