Last night Kaitlyn had a very high fever of 104.5. She was so hot, we gave her a cool bath to get her fever down. After her bath we were downstairs eating when she suddenly started shivering and her fingertips turned dusky,purplish blue as well as her mouse. She was shivering and i just held her in my arms. I was so worried and wanted to take her to the hospital right then and there but i called my doctor first. They were not worried about that episode she got and suggested i gave her Motrin. It helped and brought her fever down. This morning when she woke up she was fine,cool and happy then after a while she started to get a fever and started shivering again and turning blue. This happen one move time this morning before we decided to bring her to the hospital.Thank God she is fine she just has a bad case of ear infection. Praise Go Almighty for everything..
Good thing your daughter is fine already. My son is also sick since yesterday with 100 to 102 temp and cold. It's stressful when our children are sick, I don't usually sleep good at all.
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I'm so glad she is okay!! I can imagine how scary that was for you. {{hugs}}
Thank goodness baby K is now okay.. so naa diay sya ear infection mommy Lods? Poor K! I hope she will do better now and won't be having fever anymore. Pastilan ug ako pa to wa na karag2x na sa kanerbyos!
Oh how scary...glad to hear she is ok
That's so scary.
It's good you brought her to hospital.
Better one time too many..
I hope she's doing better today.
Thank God it wasn't anything worse! An ear infection is pesky, but treatable. I know you are relieved.
Hi there, got a tag for you:
God bless
Glad to hear she is good!
that would be terrifying! I hope she continues to heal quickly!
Wow, I have never heard of them turning blue. I am glad it was just an ear infection, and she is doing well.
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