For the past two days the
lil' bruiser has been having a high fever of over 102. Yesterday, we decided to take her to the Emergency Room at A.I DuPont Hospital. She was shivering so bad and I did not want to wait until her fever spikes up so high that her mouth would turn blue again. I could not take that risk so at past 8 pm we were at the Emergency Room. It was just MIL, the baby and I since Ralph had to take care of Kayla. They checked her ears for possible ear infection but found none. So they had to check her urine to rule out
UTI ( urinary track infection) and the best way to do that was to
catheterize her. It was traumatizing to all of us when they did that. She was screaming her head off and just wanted to get up. Thankfully it only took about a minute then they were done. All her results came back negative which is good but still puzzling at the same time. We got home around 2 am this morning.
I just want to Thank God for watching over her and keeping her safe. Most parents should know how I feel. I would rather be the one that is sick than my kids. Its so heartbreaking to see them suffer
specially when they cant tell you what is wrong with them. I also want to apologize to my visitors for not dropping on them. My daughter needed me and I had to be there for her. She is in my arms right now sleeping, very clingy, whinny but I would not have it any other way.
I am so sorry to hear about your little one. I know that had to be very tough. It breaks our hearts to see our babies scared and hurting. I hope she is feeling better very soon.
Hope kaitlyn is fine lods, must the changes of weather that cause the fever. What the baby or your kids feelin is double or triple the mother, we wish we can take it away from them. Hope she is feeling better now.
Oh sorry kaayo gasinamok pa gyd ko ganiha oy. we will pray for that. Hope all is will soon.
what a nightmare, i can so relate. Hope her fever came down. The poor baby. Sometimes when their sick its harder on us then them.
i had an emergency trip experience with my girl and I know the feeling... get well soon to your lil one
I hope she's okey now.
My heart is with you..this week I also rush to the hospital because my baby is filled with red rashes after teething and my neighbors told me that her in South Thailand, there's a rumor about a certain kind of mosquito that causes a disease more deadly than malaria and my baby's appearance is one of the symptoms..That really breaks me that I have to leave in the middle of my class to bring my baby to hospital..Thanks God it's not what I feared...It's viral infection but was totally healed now...Thanks be to God for protecting our babies....
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I hope Kaitlyn is feeling better now.
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