Finally after some time I bought a new bag and wallet to replace my much bigger bag. The other bag I carried around before was 2 times bigger than this one. Things got lost in my other bag and MIL and hubby complains that its much too heavy, lol. Well its true, It was to heavy and bulky for me to be lugging around on a day to day basis. I got the bag and wallet the other day at Walmart. Yes I am a Walmart shopper, I love shopping there specially with the prizes they offer. The bag is only $16 and the wallet $7. I can't afford to buy a bag that is over $25, I just can't see myself right now buying something expensive when a cheaper one will do. Let me rephrase that, I can afford to buy a bag over $25 but I wont, not now. I'm not saying I will never buy a bag over $25 but its unlikely that I won't. See? I'm contradicting myself, whatever!All I'm saying is I would rather have that extra money in my wallet than having an expensive bag that I have nothing in my wallet. Hey, I have nothing against women who love and collect expensive bags. If you have the money and can afford, then by any means go ahead and please yourself. To each its own. So far I am happy with my purchase and If I could have gotten a cheaper bag I'd return this in a heartbeat. But this one kinda grew on me, I think I'll keep her for a long time, if she holds up to all my junk. And I shall name her
Bagheera, like the panther character in jungle book. And the wallet shall be named
If your curious to keep checking on days to follow what is inside my bag.
This bag is cute. I like it.
Thanks for giving me some enlightment about purchasing a bag. I think I should decide now which one I will buy. :)
Thats funny lods you even had a name for each of them. All my bags since I got here were all hand me down from the richy sistah in vegas waaaaa
Nice bag and wallet. You're a smart shopper, I should say.
Sometimes we really need to be practical, right mommy? It's nice to know how you value your belongings by giving them names. I should practice it also. Have a nice day!
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