
The Designers Chic

Friday, March 5, 2010


I love looking at men with big bodies but not to big. My attraction for men has always run on the bigger side specially when it comes to physical appearance. That is why my husband is seriously thinking about loosing weight and working out again. He will have plenty of time in his hands after the first week of April. But, seeing that he we have surgery I don't know what the doctors recommendation is when it comes to working out. He does not really need to do a heavy work out, he just needs to loose weight and trim down his waist line. If he does decide to really work out and see great results he needs a testosterone boosters that work. Its just not to help him gain muscle fast but it will also help with his strength, stamina, sexual vigor and even energy. He needs to do this not just to look good in my eyes but also to stay healthy.



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