Today was just another brutal reminder that cold weather is coming hard and fast. I literally fear situations about me staying out in the cold weather. We haven't started turning on the heater in the house but I am starting to feel the sting of chill in my bones. On really cold and windy days I wish that Ralph would look into
wood stoves and finding out if it would be possible for us to get one. It would really save us big time on the heating bill. And I would be toasty warm and even If I did have to go outside, I can look forward to sitting by the wood stove to get the chill out from my bones. Ralph's nephew just got married last Saturday and they have a wood stove in their house. They swear that it kept them warm at the height of the winter storm last season and kept their electricity bill low. That is one of the major house project that Ralph and I will have to really work hard on. Both of us wants a fireplace or wood stove in the house but we have to think wisely about where we are going to put it and how much its going to cost us to put it in. As of now, I guess I will have to make do with my handy dandy portable heater.
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