Tomorrow is my MIL's 69th birthday. I am baking her a cake and crossing my finger that she doesn't come out of her room and ruin our surprise. Yesterday, Angelo's family and one of his older kids came down to take mom out to dinner. We just went to our favorite Chinese buffet. And by golly was it packed with people. Eating out on a weekend in Delaware is not a good idea. We had to wait for 15 minute to finally get seated. As usual we have a blast while talking. Before leaving the house I sneaked in a candle in my bag to take with me. When we were all done eating I went to get a slice of cake on the dessert buffet and put that single candle one top and went over to our table. We all sang happy birthday to her. As expected she got teary eyed. When we all got home Ralph, Angelo and Mom talked about her life insurance again. Its always something that she continues to talk to her kids about. The life insurance she already has right now is enough but she is thinking of getting another one but wants her son's opinion on the matter. Ralph suggested that she check out and see if she can find one and to talk to them after that. I hate when they start talking about insurance and dying but its a subject that needs to be addressed. Mom said that she will let her boys know when all 3 of them are present so she can go over it with them. Do you have insurance? If not, its time to think about getting one for you or your family.
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