Look at what our dog dragged in! Poor Minnie Mouse has seen better days. This was Kaitlyn's toy, I forgot who gave it to her but this one talks. Our dog Sunny don't really chew their toys but the kids let him play with this once and now he thinks that its his toy. My kids have so many stuffed toys in the house, I am donating some of it soon. Kaitlyn was sad when she saw what happened to her Minnie Mouse. I explained to my kids that it wasn't Sunny's fault. They should never have let him play with it and leave there toys all over the floor in the playroom. Like most kids they make a mess and whine when its time to clean up. Now, I made up a rule that they can play with almost any toy in the playroom as long as they clean up after themselves and it has to be one toy at a time. They usually follow it but if you don't stay on top of the situation they will take advantage, lol. What can you do? Kids can be kids but that doesn't mean I will tolerate bad behavior. And as for Minnie Mouse I had to throw her in the garbage before Sunny gets a hold of the voice box inside her and choke or something. Do you think my kids have learned their lesson about not leaving stuffed toys on the floor? They haven't, I still have to constantly remind them to pick up the toys on the floor so Sunny won't chew it. As for the dog, he knew he was in big trouble and just gave me that sad doggy eye look with his head down. Its seems like I now have 3 kids, 2 of them human and 1 is a dog, lol....

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