Growing up I always dreamed about having my own family but never thought it would become a reality. Good things happen for those who wait. In a span of 4 years, I found my mate, got married, and gotten pregnant. I grew up with a lot of family but I only had 1 sister. My mom always told us that if she would have liked more than 2 children. If my mom had not had hysterectomy and had no complications with her reproductive organs, I'm sure I would have had brothers or sisters. My mom has not been physically the same since she had hysterectomy. Makes me wonder if she should take some progesterone supplement. But with that it makes me question the
progesterone side effect. I have read that taking progesterone can help with anxiety, ones mood and memory. I want to find out more and see if I can also benefit from taking progesterone and the only way I can do that is to ask either my OB or our family physician. Ralph and I are currently on a mission but I will not talk or say anything about it as of now.
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