I went to the Christiana Mall for the first time ever. I didn't get to go yesterdays black Friday since i had family visiting and we got so tired and full from eating. They left late yesterday and i miss them already. Kaitlyn has been a little under the weather lately and yesterday she had a slight fever which we blame on maybe her teeth coming out. This morning she still had a slight fever so she didn't come with me since MIL volunteered to watch her. They dropped me off at the mall shortly before 12 noon. MIL told me to take my time and just look around and make sure i buy something for myself. I had hubby's card but i didn't go ballistic and just buy anything i want. After 3 hrs. I finally called MIL and i heard the baby crying in the background and so cranky, i told her to pick me up at the same place they dropped me off. When i go in the car MIL was a little bit peeved why i only bought 3 items,hehehe.. She wanted me to buy stuff for myself and not worry about the cost for once. I told her i didn't want to spend to much and go overboard but i did buy a dress for me, shoes for Kayla and jumper snowsuit for Kaitlyn. I felt guilty though coz Kaitlyn was running a high fever when we got home. Her fever spiked up to 102.6 her face was so flushed and her eyes watery. Thank God she is doing much better now, ill have to keep a close eye on her tonight and keep checking her temperature.
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