Education is a very important thing that we as a parent can give to our children. Ralph is a staunch believer that children should get educated, not miss school except of emergencies or when they are really sick. Since Kayla has started Kindergarten in September she has not missed any day of school and has the awards every month to prove it. She loves going to school and is striving right before our very eyes. Ralph is usually the one who does the homework with Kayla, he is such a patient and wonderful dad. I for one am not a very patient, good and understanding teacher that is why i try to get out of doing homework, lol... I know, i should and i do when Ralph has no time so Kayla and I do homework. I tell my husband all the time that I'm very very lucky to have married such an intelligent man. Thank God our kids seems to have his brain because mama does not do to well on certain subjects. As of today Kayla has missed school due to the fact that her mother did not meet Ralph yesterday as per the court order. He is deeply upset that Kayla missed school just because her mother is being difficult. We had been on pins and needle waiting for her call where and when Kayla will be dropped off. Finally this afternoon at 2 p.m. she called to ask Ralph to meet at the halfway point. Thank God Kayla will not be missing another day of school tomorrow.

Oh no! So sorry about that. Too bad she missed one day of school. But at least it wasn't because she was lazy to go to school, but instead of ther reason. Good girl Kayla! Next thing you know baby Kaitlyn is going to school too. :) EC dropping too mommy Lods!
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